*Formerly Proctor Family Farm*
Thank you, to all who came out for this years blueberry picking season .....We appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to another season next year!​
Hope to see you soon…BFF
Bluebird Family Farm

. We are a family friendly U-pick blueberry farm. So, bring the whole family and come out for a day of blueberry picking fun. It's a great family activity and our field is easily accessible for most. We have wide rows and firm middles for walking. We provide buckets for picking your berries and bags for you to take them home. Be sure to bring your water for hydration, your fingers for picking and your camera to photograph your special memories. No Pets Please..... as much as we love all pets, we don't allow them on the farm.
We sell blueberries by the pound and we accept cash and cards
Welcome to our Blueberry Farm.

A family friendly U-PICK blueberry Farm